
MediaPowerMonitor was founded in 2015 by a group of writers concerned about the state of independent journalism and the thorny relations between media and the powers that be.

In our collective experience, we have met and worked with hundreds of writers, journalists and researchers across the globe who closely follow these issues.

They hail from all kinds of nations, small and big, poor and rich, racist and tolerant, religious and atheist, hot and cold. They know who really has power and influence in the media, who wields control over journalists and who dictates editorial decisions.

This website gives them a platform to write about it. We launched this website because so many important stories about independent journalism and its foes (or friends) never get published or are only touched upon in comments posted on social networks, or after hours in the local pub. We have the luxury to write freely about all these sensitive issues because no government or business controls us. And we hope they never will.

Corrections and ethical issues

MediaPowerMonitor is an edited platform. Our articles are edited by professional editors and checked for accuracy in line with a set of internal editorial rules and our own style guide.

All our articles are written by independent researchers and journalists. We welcome op-eds written by individuals associated with private businesses and governments; however, in case they are accepted, the affiliations of their authors will be mentioned.

We reserve the right not to publish articles that we find to be inaccurate or misleading, or that do not comply with our editorial standards. MediaPowerMonitor has not accepted funding from any third-party to date.

To pitch a story or request a correction, email us at info@mediapowermonitor.com.

MediaPowerMonitor is run collaboratively by a global community of writers, experts and researchers founded by Marius Dragomir.

Marius Dragomir now serves as the Director of the Media and Journalism Research Center, a global think-tank specialized in comparative research about media and journalism. He led the Center for Media, Data and Society, an academic research outfit at Central European University (CEU) in Vienna. He previously worked for the Open Society Foundations (OSF) for over a decade where he managed the research and policy portfolio of the Program on Independent Journalism (PIJ), formerly the Network Media Program (NMP), in London. He was also one of the main editors for PIJ’s flagship research and advocacy project, Mapping Digital Media, which covered 56 countries worldwide, and was the main writer and editor of OSF’s Television Across Europe, a comparative study of broadcast policies in 20 European countries.

This website neither generates nor accepts funding, all costs related to its maintenance being borne by its founder.

Editors: Theodore Southgate, Norman Garcia

General information including editorial enquiries: info@mediapowermonitor.com

Phone contact: +447555408511

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