The Rise and Fall of A Romanian Media Mogul

6 years ago

Radu Mazare pioneered independent journalism in the early days of post-communist Romania. But his excessive craving for fame, wealth and…

Who’s Funding Journalism in Kazakhstan

6 years ago

When, a Russian-language news portal, launched operations in 2012, its founders pinned their hopes on readers to finance them.…

Serbian Journalism in Free Fall

6 years ago

All eyes are currently resting on Hungary and other media freedom bashers across Europe - but it is actually in…

Google Bankrolls Oligarch-Owned Media Group in Hungary

6 years ago

Google joins the Hungarian government of Viktor Orban and its allies in funding the company that runs Origo, a Hungarian…

How to Wipe Away Digital History: Buy a Newspaper

6 years ago

A wealthy and influential lawyer buys the sole English newspaper in Cyprus. The real motive: cleaning his digital record. The…

News Media on Twitter: Who Are the Top Dogs in Europe?

6 years ago

Large, established media, including public service outlets, dominate the Twitter market in much of Western Europe, but less in the…

Head of Ukraine’s Public Television Axed

6 years ago

The director of Ukraine’s public broadcaster UA:PBC, a feisty and forthright journalist, is given the boot as the country prepares…

Newspapers in Pakistan: Extinction Crisis

6 years ago

A major media group in Pakistan shuts down five of its publications as journalism crisis in the country worsens. Jang…

Hungarian Government’s Monopoly in the Media: The Last Act

6 years ago

Hungary’s pro-government media outlets get together to create a powerful media conglomerate. The stink of the old communist days is…

Is Modern Copyright Technology Hampering Creativity and Freedom?

6 years ago

As the internet and other modern technology have moved forward, current copyright law has struggled to keep up, but how…