
Why Indian Politicians Buy Cable Operations

India’s cable industry is a buoyant market. Much of that is in the hands of local politicians who use cable…

8 years ago

TV News Stations Are Now Old News

As massive batches of viewers, particularly young ones, give up watching traditional TV, the broadcasting business is rapidly crumbling. For…

8 years ago

Latin American Digital Media Are Not so Digital

Latin America has seen unprecedented growth of digital journalistic enterprises in the past five years. But serious questions about their…

8 years ago

The Middle East: Have You Been Watching?

As online video consumption skyrockets in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, power holders are desperately looking for…

8 years ago

Reform of Myanmar’s Media System: Bracing for a Slow Ride

Local journalists are investing much hope in the newly installed power in Myanmar to reform the country’s media system. But…

8 years ago

Big Brother is Getting Smart

In George Orwell’s 1984, telescreens could capture any sound “above the level of a very low whisper.” Today, that gadget…

8 years ago

Government Removes All Critical Voices From Croatia’s Public Broadcaster

Shortly after grabbing the country’s political helm, Croatia’s government has begun brashly purging institutions of whomever is not their friend.…

8 years ago

The Romanian Public Television on the Brink of Insolvency

The Romanian public service broadcaster has undergone scores of crises in the past two and a half decades. But now, talk…

8 years ago

Macedonia’s Digital Muck-Up: Politics as Usual Means “No TV for You!”

Digitization of broadcasting was hoped by many in Macedonia to pave the way for new voices to enter the media…

8 years ago

Asian Telcos, Worst at Reporting on Anti-Corruption

Telecom behemoths drive technology advancement and help to grow the digital economy. But many of them have serious problems with…

8 years ago