Google Bankrolls Oligarch-Owned Media Group in Hungary

Google joins the Hungarian government of Viktor Orban and its allies in funding the company that runs Origo, a Hungarian…

6 years ago

Hungary: Prime Minister’s Allies Take Over Popular News Website

Hungarian businessman Zoltan Speder sold in mid-September 2018 his stake in the company cemp-X Online, which owns several publications and…

6 years ago

Tamas Bodoky: Readers Pay for Our Investigative Journalism

Interview with Hungarian-born Tamas Bodoky, a Budapest-based investigative journalist and editor leading Co-founded back in 2011 by Mr Bodoky, Atlatszo is…

8 years ago

Internet Is Censored in Two-Thirds of the World

Many believe the Internet equals freedom of information. Recently, that has been less and less the case. Maung Saung Kha,…

8 years ago

The Anti-Orban Revolution Won’t Be Televised

Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban has been quietly gaining control over a media empire, especially TV assets, with the help…

9 years ago

European Court Decision Allows Media to Be Less Paranoid About Online Comments

In summer 2015, a much-criticized decision by Europe’s human rights court left online portals anxious about what comments they allowed…

9 years ago