
Estonian Public Media Gets Government Manpower

The appointment of a high government official in the body that governs Estonia’s public broadcaster is opening a can of…

7 years ago

How Italy Wants to Slam Fake News: Use Fines and Prison

Italian lawmakers have reacted to the spread of fake news and misinformation with an authoritarian law. Far from solving the…

7 years ago

Know the Power, Know the Media

Media and journalism are changing fast and so should the media research agenda. Analyzing the role of social media in…

7 years ago

Middle East: Online Conversation Moves out of Facebook and Twitter

Uncomfortable with the government’s aggressive snooping, internet users in the Middle East are increasingly beginning to move their discussions to…

8 years ago

Reform of Myanmar’s Media System: Bracing for a Slow Ride

Local journalists are investing much hope in the newly installed power in Myanmar to reform the country’s media system. But…

8 years ago

Government Removes All Critical Voices From Croatia’s Public Broadcaster

Shortly after grabbing the country’s political helm, Croatia’s government has begun brashly purging institutions of whomever is not their friend.…

8 years ago

The Romanian Public Television on the Brink of Insolvency

The Romanian public service broadcaster has undergone scores of crises in the past two and a half decades. But now, talk…

8 years ago

China Plans to Push out Foreign Owners From Its Internet

Chinese authorities have never liked dissenting voices. Now, they want to solve that problem by removing foreign players from their…

8 years ago

The Constitutional Issues Behind Apple iPhone Dispute: Individuals’ Freedom Is at Stake

Is it right for Apple to refuse a government’s request to create software to snoop into a terrorist’s phone? Three…

8 years ago

European Court Decision Allows Media to Be Less Paranoid About Online Comments

In summer 2015, a much-criticized decision by Europe’s human rights court left online portals anxious about what comments they allowed…

8 years ago