Georgi Staykov Joins MediaPowerMonitor

We are pleased to announce that Georgi Staykov joined the MediaPowerMonitor team as Editorial Lead. Mr. Staykov will be in charge of commissioning articles for MediaPowerMonitor, but will also pursue his own stories for the portal.
A graduate from the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG), Mr. Staykov is passionate about writing, journalism, and content creation. In the past, Mr. Staykov worked as a creative writer and marketing specialist. This year he has co-founded a local journalism platform focused on the city of Sofia, Bulgaria.
The four years of study at AUBG where he worked as a reporter and editor-in-chief for the university newspaper inspired him to seek a career in journalism. Mr. Staykov has received several university awards for outstanding achievement in literature and essay competitions.
MediaPowerMonitor was founded in 2015 by a group of writers concerned about the state of independent journalism and the thorny relations between media and the powers that be. The website gives writers, journalists and researchers across the globe a platform to write about these issues.
Mr. Staykov joins MediaPowerMonitor as the website is increasingly shifting its focus to younger generations of journalists interested in bringing to life stories about media and power. While it will still feature contributions from experienced experts and thinkers, MediaPowerMonitor will more proactively reach out to aspiring journalists who write well and have great stories to tell.
“It is time to give the helm to the younger generations,” said Marius Dragomir, MediaPowerMonitor’s founder. “We can’t make younger people value media freedom and independent journalism without involving them in the actual journalistic work.”