Two intrepid journalists embarked on an investigation into the unjust conviction of a Czech...
investigative journalism
Every year, a journalism class at a Vienna-based university unearths attention-grabbing stories. The idea...
Radu Mazare pioneered independent journalism in the early days of post-communist Romania. But his...
An interview with Maria Teresa Ronderos How should philanthropies with limited resources act to...
Interview with Umar Cheema, an investigative journalist working with The News in Pakistan Umar...
Entrevista con la periodista peruana Nelly Luna Amancio, cofundadora de Ojo Público Nelly Luna...
Interview with the Peruvian journalist Nelly Luna Amancio, co-founder of Ojo Publico Nelly Luna...
Interview with the investigative journalist Yong Jin Kim of South Korea Around the turn...
Interview with Bopha Phorn, Cambodian investigative journalist Bopha Phorn is a stringer for the...
Interview with Helena Bengtsson of the Guardian in Britain, previously the database editor at Sveriges Television, Sweden’s...